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Justice Elubu Opens Third ECCMIS Review Workshop
Group Photo: Participants at the ECCMIS Review Meeting

The Head of the Criminal Division, Hon. Justice Michael Elubu, representing the Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija, opened a two-day Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) review workshop at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala. 

The workshop, the third of its kind, aims at assessing the progress of the ECCMIS system, its key achievements, challenges and strategize for future roll-out.

Justice Elubu thanked participants for attending the workshop noting that their presence underscores  the significance of the workshop and the shared commitment to enhancing judicial processes through adopting ECCMIS.

He added that the workshop was a crucial platform for judicial officers from different courts to critically evaluate the ECCMIS system, share insights, and identify areas of improvement. 

Justice Elubu also emphasized that the workshop provides an opportunity to gather feedback from users of the ECCMIS and integrate their insights into future enhancements.

Justice Fredrick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende (Justice Court of Appeal and Chairperson ECCMIS Steering Committee) noted that since its inception, ECCMIS has significantly transformed the courts' management process, enabled streamlined case tracking, improved access to case information, enhanced data security, prevented loss of casefiles and forgery of court documents. 

He further highlighted that  ECCMIS has also improved the collection of non-tax revenue, thereby fostering greater transparency and accountability.

Mr. Joseph Ssinabulya, the Principal Information Management Officer, presented a report on the status and progress of the ECCMIS system.

The Workshop was attended by various judicial officers, members of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Documentation Committee, as well as members of the ECCMIS Steering and Technical Committees among others.

The ECCMIS Technical Advisor, Ms. Julian Rweju, was the moderator of the Session.

Posted 27th, June 2024
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